Hello 2008

Posted on January 16, 2008

New year. New stuff from Apple. New possibilities. New goals.

One neat new thing I discovered this year: protagonize.com. A site for collaboratively creating “choose your own adventure” style stories. Sure, it hasn’t reached the critical-mass required for self-correction, but it will get there. For now we have to put up with the immaturity of the Internet derailing stories into crack-binges and violence. Trust me on this though; it’s a pretty cool site. The design also happens to be really nice.

New job. I started work with Digisphere Inc. I’m helping them develop fotoglif.com — a photo-sharing application that seeks to rid the Internet of thumbnails and pop-ups. We’re in closed beta right now, are moving into an open beta soon, and I’m really excited to be working on it. Everyone here is really cool and I really like the application. It’s super-neat-eriffic.

New neighbourhood. I recently moved to a new part of Toronto that I’d never really explored much before. I live in the same apartment building as a couple good friends, and more are moving in soon. The ’hood is actually really sweet. A hidden secret of Toronto, safe for now from condos, hipsters, and trendy club life. It’s got nice bars, a lot of niche stores, and my new favorite cafe. It’s great.

And so I leave you with one thing to contemplate in this new year:

If you knew you could not fail this year —

What would you do?

What would you have?

Who would you be?