Oh Bev Oda

Posted on February 28, 2007

Hilarious tribute to Bev Oda.

I’ve been fighting the “copyfight” for years. Through my independent record label, I’ve participated in the hearings on SOCAN’s proposed Tariff 22; I’ve written Bev Oda’s office; I’ve written the Prime Minister a letter about this… the fight continues, it’s still annoying, but this video brings a smile to my face. It’s good to see that more people are starting to care.

There’s always more we can do and if there’s a way for me to do more; you bet I’ll do it.

Too many people aren’t getting it when it comes to the Internet — and they’re the ones writing the legislation, lobbying congresses, and paying off ministers. More people need to care. Check out the video. Read the work of Micheal Geist. Get involved somehow.